The Best Avene Products to Add to Your Skincare Routine

Skincare Routine


Avene is a long-lasting and reliable brand that has been helping its customers to feel good and improve their beauty routine for nearly 300 years. In this post, we’re going to cover what we think are some of the top picks of Avene products, as well as the benefits they can offer for your skincare routine. Keep reading to find out more.

B-Protect SPF 50+ Sunscreen 

One of the most important components of a healthy daily beauty routine is to be using sunscreen and SPF to help protect your skin from the damaging UV rays of sunlight. UV rays can cause a variety of potential issues for your skin and your health. The sun can damage our skin and quicken up the signs of aging such as wrinkles, pigmented skin, sagging, and brown spots. More seriously, failure to protect your skin from UV rays can lead to an increased risk of developing skin cancers known as melanomas. Using daily SPF protection in your skincare routine is one of the best ways to protect the look and health of your skin, particularly on your face. Avene’s B-Protect SPF 50+ provides a high level of protection for your skin from sun damage and free radicals in a simple and easy-to-use moisturizing formula that you simply massage into the face and neck.

Revitalizing Nourishing Cream 

Our skin faces daily battles with all kinds of areas of our daily lives that are virtually impossible to avoid. From changes in temperature to sun damage to environmental pollution, they can all leave our skin dry, irritated, and worn out. That’s why it’s important to make sure we’re nourishing our skin and helping it to replenish after a long day being exposed to all kinds of different elements. Avene’s revitalizing nourishing cream helps your skin to recover from the daily battles it faces. Simply apply this luxurious, nourishing cream after cleansing at the start of the end of the day to help right dryness, tightness, and irritation. This will not only help to improve the feel of the skin, but also help repair the skin’s barrier, and provide a healthier, glowing complexion.

Xeracalm A.D Cleansing Oil 

Cleansing at the end of the day is important not only for removing makeup products, but also to help rid our skin of pollution, impurities, and germs gathered throughout the course of the day. It also helps to ensure that our skin remains healthy, improves the skin’s barrier, and can help reduce the likelihood of developing imperfections such as spots and blackheads. The Xeracalm A.D Cleansing Oil from Avene is a gentle cleansing formula, perfect for those with dry or sensitive skin.

Cicalfate LIPS- Repair Balm 

When it comes to our skincare routine, many of us are guilty of forgetting that our lips require the same nourishment and attention as the rest of our face and body. The skin on our lips is thin and delicate, so it’s especially sensitive to the cold, sun damage, and other environmental factors that can damage the skin. The Cicalfate LIPS- Repair Balm from Avene’s range helps to improve the health of your lips, as well as making them softer and more hydrated. Especially important for chapped and dehydrated lips, the balm helps to bring back essential moisture and nourishment to aid in repairing and softening the skin on your lips.

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